Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The True Teachings of Jesus

Dr. Pillai: I wish you all a very, very Happy July 4th. What does it symbolize? What does this day symbolize? It symbolizes at least two things to me, and that is freedom, independence, and power. I’m not going to talk about economic independence ,or political independence, or political freedom, or social independence, or anything in the domain of politics, or economics, or society. I’m going to talk about some independence, or freedom, that can liberate our human race and that’s what motivated me to go in front of the camera today to talk to you about “Ultimate Freedom”, “Ultimate Independence”, “Ultimate Power”. All of the other power, all of the other independences, they are all relatively important. They are needed. Political independence is needed, but the most valuable, or “Ultimate Independence” is the independence that has no limitation whatsoever.

I told you that I’m going to talk to you on this day about Jesus, and the body of Jesus, and why the church is called: “The Body of Christ”. So how can you equate the church with the body? And not many people understand that. You go to the church to meet Jesus because the church is the body, but Jesus left his body. Then who do you meet there? And why the expression that: “The church is the Body of Christ”? It is because of the Light Body, the “Resurrected Body of Jesus”. That’s the most important thing.

The symbolism of body is very, very, important to understand in the teachings of the “True Jesus”. And he came here exclusively to teach about the body, and how the body is bondage. I repeat: “Jesus came here to teach you about bondage, and liberation”. The bondage is created by this body, and that is sin. The body is the sin. The flesh, as it is oftentimes called in “The New Testament”. The flesh is the sin, and that will never give you the freedom. The freedom lies only in getting a “Glorious Body”, and that “Glorious Body” is the church.

So when you go to the church, you have to remind yourself that you are going to meet the body of Jesus, not the meat body. The meat body, he just crucified. The flesh body, he crucified on the cross. And that is the real meaning. Don’t think that I am giving you a far-fetched interpretation of my own. This is the true meaning of the crucifixion of the body, and I will substantiate it. Through…I’ll take you through steps so that you will really understand, you know, that what Jesus really meant was liberation from the body. The economic liberation is not going to do that. The political liberation is not going to do that.

Now we have independence, and we have economic, somewhat economic independence, but poorly political  independence, but we are still suffering, and the suffering is caused by this body. So, he came to give you eternal life, he came to give you eternal freedom. He said: ”Thy Kingdom come to this earth, as it is in Heaven”. And what is this Kingdom? “The Kingdom” is not this corruption. And Paul in the Corinthians, says very clearly: “This corruption will not inherit “The Kingdom”. So what we have to do is we have to aspire to “The Body of Christ” through the church. And what is “The Body of Christ?” – “The Glorious Light Body”.  And that’s why I am particularly interested in “The Teachings of Christ”, because I have come here to teach “The Light Body”, and nothing else satisfies me except the teaching of “The Light Body” for which we are all eligible. That is our “True Body”. And this body, is a body of sin, the flesh is a sin. It is limitation, it is bondage. You may be a billionaire, you may be a President, you may be the Prime Minister, or whatever you want to be, but still this body is a limitation. It is subjected to diseases, pain, and finally death. So if you want total independence, then you have to go, and seek “The Body of Christ”. And that is his primary message. I said: “I will take you through the steps, and that is the 1st Step”.

Now Jesus was trained in all kinds of technologies, and this is something that you may not have heard. He was very, very intelligent, and he knew that the body is the problem, and then he came here to get rid of this body because the body is sin. Sin is limitation, it’s ignorance. And he wanted to do it in many different ways. And let’s do, let’s look at “The Communion Ritual”. And he breaks the bread, and then says: “This is my body”. And he offers the wine and says: “This is my blood”. And I want you to partake in this.

What is this ritual?  And why is he doing that? You know, not many people have understood that he’s going to die on the cross pretty soon, but before that, he is enacting this “Communion Ritual”. A ritual through which you can commune, this is a technology to me. The Communion Ritual” is a great technology to participate in “The Light Body of Christ”. It will work. Any sacrament that was established by a Divine Being, is a technology, a great technology, that will do immense good for humanity.

 So what he did was just to remember, for people to remember, whenever they have a meal. It’s not only that it takes place once a year, or when you go to the church, it is a way to remember that the body has to be discarded, this meat body has to be discarded. And how do you do that? – By participating in “The Light Body of Christ”.

He says those who participate in the ritual, they will participate in his “Light Body”, his “Glorious Light Body”, and that is “Ultimate Freedom”, that is what we have to remember. So that’s why he established this “Communion Ritual”, a sacrament, before he actually crucified on the cross. Both of them are meaningful. Both of them not only did the job when he did this ritual, and the sacrifice on the cross, but they are eternally, eternally, relevant.

Now, I have read, the communion ceremony that Benny Hinn, one of the Evangelists, you know, he is very popular all over the world, he is very particular in holding this “Communion Ritual”. And what happens?  He says that during that ritual that he conducts, that there is the presence of Jesus. And that is the single most important event that he holds. Why? He has not gone anywhere, Jesus is still here, he can, you know, - not only is he in Heaven, he is here. So it is a reminder of it, and this ritual becomes alive. This communion really takes place when you have that, when you do this ritual. And you can do it on a daily basis, and you will see that you are immediately transformed, and the body is the bread, the blood is the wine.

It’s called… in the Phenomenology of Religion, it’s called a: “Substitution Technology”. A “Substitution Technology” which means you don’t really have to die on the cross, and mortify the body, but you can do this simple ritual, and have the same effect. And you have this similar “Substitution Technology” everywhere in different religions. So that is a very, very, powerful one. That’s why he established this: “Do this, do this ritual, and through this ritual, you will communicate with me, you will be in communion with me”. That’s the most important thing. So it’s not a meaningless ritual, it’s not that he was doing: “Eat this bread, and drink this wine”. It has tremendous amount of significance. It’s as if you are going through the crucifixion yourself because you have to crucify your body.

So crucifying the body means getting beyond the limitations of the body, the identity of the body, because the body is the one that gives you all kinds of problems. So he established this ritual, this “Substitution Ritual”, which is a death, a pseudo-death, if you will, before he died literally on the cross.

Now comes the other point. There is… this is the most important concept. Sin is atoned only by the blood. This is a very important one, although it may be misunderstood by the 20th Century mind. There is no way that you can get rid of your sin, other than the blood. The sin on a collective basis, the sin on an individual basis, all of them are related to… call for an atonement through the blood.
You know, I’ll give you an example, a very mundane example, so you will understand. If a country has to get freedom, whether it’s the United States, or India, or any other country for that matter, now, we are having a lot of fight going on in the Middle East. Blood has to be shed. That is a prerequisite.

I was reading an article by a woman. It was a very interesting article: “The Bloody Business of Sin”, “The Bloody business of Sin”. And it’s not a negative article, it’s a positive article, but it was a very attractive one. So she is talking about Leviticus, and Leviticus is one that talks at length about getting rid of sin through the blood. Ok. And it’s a very, very, not a pleasant to description, you know, how the animals are killed to get rid of diseases, to solve other problems, and what parts of the bodies, you know, have to be sacrificed, and it’s a very, very, you know, unpleasant description. That’s why she gave the title: “The Bloody Business of Sin”. And is Leviticus relevant for today? – It will be relevant forever, forever. You have to understand it without passing a value judgment on it, but understanding it in its true essence. Remember that Jesus substituted that, and through this “Substitution Technology” you don’t have to do that, but then the rule, “The Universal Law”, if you will, is that blood has to be shed in order to get freedom.

The French King died before France could get freedom. The British King had to die, Charles the 1st had to die, beheaded. And Gandhi died, Luther King died. So you see even today, the blood…you’ve got to understand the value of blood, and there is no need for you to shed blood. And that’s where the “Substitution Technology” comes in. I can talk about the “Substitution Technology” at length. That’s going to take me, you know, to another subject, but I don’t want to do that now, but at another time, I’ll certainly talk about it.

The wine will substitute the blood, and atone your sin, and he knew that. That’s why he established that ritual.

Now, that is what is happening now, to give another modern example. And people who ae suffering from Type I Diabetes, they need insulin. And they used to kill animals and get insulin from that body. But do we kill he animals now? No, we don’t, because we have synthesized the insulin, and that is “Substitution Technology”. So this “Substitution Technology” will do Miracles.

Why do we have tremendous response to “The Communion Ritual” performed by Benny Hinn? Benny Hinn is one of the Evangelists I like because he is the one, who lives it. People may have other problems with him, but I am not… I am interested only in looking at people and the phenomenon that they represent. Whether it is Oral Roberts, or whether it is Kathryn Kuhlman, or whether it is TD Jakes, or Joel Osteen, these people have a role to play, and they’ve got their own approach, and they are all valid, and they live the teachings, particularly Benny Hinn, and his “Miracle Crusades”.

I plan to do many videos, and then I will come back to their teachings, and how they interpret the Bible, and how they live the Bible. And that is the reason why they have succeeded, and not others have succeeded. So you have to live this “Communion Ritual”, “the “Substitution”. So when you go to the church, remember this expression: “The Body of Christ”. You are going to meet “The Body of Christ”. Where? – In the church because the church is “The Body of Christ”.

And how many people can even remember this expression, and take it seriously? Because as you walk into the church because there are so many hundreds of denominations, if not thousands, they all have, when you enter into a church building, you are entering into “The Light Body”, “The Glorious Light Body of Jesus”.
 So the bread is an atonement, it’s a symbol for atonement. And you have to shed blood, but you don’t have to do that, there is a “Substitution Ritual”. And that’s one thing.

The second thing: after doing this “Substitution Ritual”, after this ceremony, Jesus went on the cross himself, and died, and shed the blood, and that’s important. And that recognition, and memory, will help you a lot. What did he do? He took all of the bodies of all human beings, not necessarily only people belonging to Christianity, but all of human race, he took all of their bodies, because he can do it. Why? – Because he’s not a human being, although he took the human body, so that his human body will represent all of the bodies, all of the meat bodies. All of the meat bodies represent only the sin, the limitation, death, and diseases, and that has to go. And here Leviticus also proves good, but here is the blood of a Divine Being, it is The Divine Blood.

The Royal Blood is one thing, the Royal Blood of the French King, the Royal Blood of the British King, gave freedom to those countries, and elsewhere also. I don’t want to quote, keep quoting other people, but then that is what is happening. You know, depending upon the quality of the blood, if it is a Royal Blood, or a Divine Blood. You know, the payback is decided. The payback here is salvation.

Salvation from what? - Salvation from limitation, from the body. And that is the true meaning that the church represents of the body, the “Resurrected Body of Christ”. Don’t just get identified with the physical body. As long as you are identified with the physical body, you are in sin. And that is the true interpretation of sin because it’s a limitation. Why are you embracing this limitation while “The Kingdom” is waiting for you? Again: “The Kingdom” has to be understood as I said: “It is not this corruption. The corruption will not inherit “The Kingdom”. It will not inherit “The Kingdom”.

Now what has to happen? – Your body has to turn into Light. Will it happen? Yes, it will. It will happen. So the expectation of “The Kingdom” is also the expectation of the transformation of the physical body, into “The Light Body”.

Now the approaches are different. In the tradition that I represent, which is a radical branch of Southern Indian Mystics, who don’t conform to the regular Hindu practice, they are quite radical, and rebellious people, and they say: “The Light Body” has to be here in ”The Now”. It should be here in “The Now”, and that is the only goal worth living for. It’s not about the money, it’s not about the pleasure, and you know, that money can give. It’s not about the social freedom, or the political freedom. The freedom, “True freedom” is the freedom from the body, and claiming your own birthright, and that right is “The kingdom”, “The Light Body”.

Now Jesus shed the blood, and that can be used also as a meditation. The first meditation is the “Substitution Ritual” of breaking the bread, and drinking the wine. You may think that it is that I am just explaining to you, like I was giving you a scholarly interpretation of my own, and it has no importance from the point of view of experience. It will give you a tremendous experience.

Elsewhere I think I have… there’s a book by Benny Hinn on “The Blood, on the Blood of Christ”. And where he talks about how the “Communion Ritual” is a real participation for everyone there, and that is the power of the sacrament.
Now the second one, is the actual crucifixion. He went on the cross. Just remembrance of it, of the literal blood that he actually shed, is much more valuable than the “Substitution” one. Otherwise he would have done the “Substitution” and it’s done, but he didn’t do that. He actually shed the blood.

Now let me recall to you how the ancient practice of how the blood was used to heal people.  And the animal blood was spread all over the body, especially on parts of the body where there is a disease. The whole idea is the blood sucks the disease, and that is to conform to the principle. Remember the principle is important. The atonement of sin is only through blood. That is Divine Law. 

Now are we going to go sacrifice? - No. We have the “Substitution” and that is “The Communion”. The “Substitution” is a great discovery, and I talked to you about the insulin that has been synthesized. Ok. So we have to really understand the “True Meaning” of any sacrament. So it was smeared, the blood was smeared on the diseased parts of the body because the blood has the power. You cannot manufacture blood. Now, just by remembering that, you will get into the appropriate consciousness wherein you can really identify yourself, not with the meat body, but with “The Body of Christ”. So going to the church, when you go to the church, to participate in “The Resurrected Body of Christ”.

Now, I’m going to read you something, a passage from Kathryn Kuhlman. Kathryn Kuhlman performed a tremendous amount of authentic Miracles, like nobody ever did in history. She was a woman who was not very well-educated, but then was visited by Christ, and also by “The Holy Spirit”. And then she was performing Miracles right, and left, not laying hands on the people, but just she would go into an audience of say 10,000 people, Miracles will start to happen, you’ll be electrified, you can see the Pentecostal experience of “The Holy Spirit” getting into the body of people in her presence.

Even a person like Oral Roberts acknowledged her, and said there is nobody, you know, in the Evangelical world, who is as talented, as powerful, as Kathryn Kuhlman. She passed away in 1976. And I heard about it when I was doing my PhD in Pittsburgh because she used to live in Pittsburgh. Because my PhD is in Religion, everybody in Pittsburgh knew about Kathryn Kuhlman, although I went there in 1983, and she died in 1976, I think.

Now one of the things that I want you to look at is something.. she was very controversial too. She did a program in Las Vegas, a Sinful City, and he addresses that question too. And she was addressing people, who were prostitutes, and alcoholics, gamblers, she said that: “Christ never distinguishes from anyone”, and then she healed people who never even prayed, never even once prayed. And then she said why: “Because Christ doesn’t care, “The Holy Spirit” doesn’t care”. Why? They operate from what she called: as “Mercy”. Her life is “Glorious”, it’s a “Glorious Life”. And the kind, you know, particularly on this Las Vegas Seminar that she was giving, she brought Professors from the John Hopkins Medical School who testified how she could make people, you know, to heal themselves instantaneously without laying any hands on them.

And now, she was dying herself, and then she reflected about her own body. I’m going to read that to you so that gives you an understanding which she had, which is very close to the understanding of Paul, who said: “This corruption will not inherit “The Kingdom”.

I’m going to read it from a book that Benny Hinn wrote on Kathryn Kuhlman. He quotes from one of the books, the books name is: “A Glimpse into Glory, with Kathryn Kuhlman”. And Benny Hinn was influenced, greatly influenced by Kathryn Kuhlman. In my opinion, I think: “The Holy Spirit” after Kathryn Kuhlman, just moved into Benny Hinn’s body”.

Because this is another very involved subject that “The Holy Spirit” can do different things, you know. Whether he is it, or he, or she, because “The Holy Spirit” is very important, and that’s another topic that I will talk about in my next Hangout, which is very important. Without understanding “The Holy Spirit”, you cannot understand Christianity, or even Jesus. Because where did the power for Jesus come from? Where did it come from? – From “The Holy Spirit”. When he was baptized, “The Holy Spirit” came and sat on his head in the form of a dove. You know, the Bible admits that “The Holy Spirit” is the Miracle. The Light Body” is also going to be the work of “The Holy Spirit”.

I’m going to read this passage when Kathryn Kuhlman is dying. And this is page 163 in Benny Hinn’s book on: “Kathryn Kuhlman, Her Spiritual Legacy, and Its impact on My Life”, that’s the title of the book. It is about Kathryn Kuhlman: ”In virtually every service, she called sinners to repentance”.

 Again, I’ll do two sessions on sinners particularly from the point of view of the body, and repentance is a very involved topic. So this is not a time when I’m going to go into: “What is repentance?” You know, repentance is connected to the body, which is sin, and we’ll look into that later on.

 “In virtually every service, she called sinners to repentance. Why? – Because she knew that physical healing is temporal, salvation is eternal”. This is a very important sentence that he writes. “Because she knew that physical healing is temporal, because she healed right, and left”. And people left their wheelchairs, and then walked right in front of thousands of people. And the witness, Medical doctors, you know. “Even that is temporal, physical healing is temporal, salvation is eternal”.
In the book: “A Glimpse Into Her Glory”, Kathryn answers the question: “After death, what?” And here is the most important teaching. It’s as if “The Holy Spirit “itself is writing these things because everything is… any scripture, any word, that is spoken by a realized person is .., or a realized Teacher, is the… who is behind it is: “The Holy Spirit”. 

Now here is Kathryn: “As long as I am still in this body of flesh, I am susceptible to sickness, disease, sorrow, and heartbreak. It’s a body of corruption. It’s a mortal body”. So every time we go into a church, we have to really understand that this body, this church, is the sacred body, not the corrupt body. “It’s a body of corruption, it’s a mortal body, but one of these days it shall no longer be a vile body. It shall be changed from corruption to incorruption, it shall be changed from mortal, to immortal. It shall be raised not as a vile body, but as a body fashioned like unto his body, Jesus’s body, the body of our wonderful Jesus”.

You see, that is the most important message that I wanted to give to you on this “Day of Independence”. “It shall be raised not as a vile body, but as a body fashioned like unto his body, the body of our wonderful Jesus. We thrill to the fact that our sins are covered with the blood”. Again, the point that I discussed. ” We thrill to the fact that our sins are covered with the blood. But my redemption will never be perfected until that day when that which is now corruption, that which is now mortal, shall be raised in incorruption, and immortality. One day I shall stand in “His Glorious Presence” with a “Glorious New Body”, when the trump of the Lord shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first, and those which are still alive, shall be caught up to meet him in the air, so shall I ever be with Him”.

 And then I skipped a few words here , and then go to the last words because she is dying, you know, these are the last words she said: “I won’t exchange “The Glorious Hope” for title to all the world, my place in Heaven is prepared, my hope is secured. I’m ready to go, I will see you on the other side.

So now, I think on this day we recall the importance of freedom, but not as political freedom, not as financial freedom, or as social freedom, but freedom from this body. And if you die, you know, in my own tradition, the Radical Siddha Tradition, they say that it doesn’t matter how much money you have, you are all going to die ignorant, and if you die, you’ll be re-born, everything that is born, will be re-born. So the best thing that one can do is just to do everything that is possible here is to understand the flesh, understand the limitation, understand the sin, and get rid of that. And that’s the message.

In the course of this talk, I talked about “The Holy Spirit”, that will be my next Hangout, is on “The Holy Spirit”. “The Holy Spirit” is not “up in the air”, although it is in the air too. “The Spirit”, itself means the air. And then “How you can use that”. And then I will take you to the original concept of “The Holy Spirit” as “Ruach”, “Ruach”, and how that is (that is Hebrew), and “Pneuma” is Greek. And how they can, you know, when you say that as “The Holy Spirit”, it doesn’t give you the same experience, it’s because you have to use it in Hebrew.

 And I will tell you how the Miracles can happen, even Jesus when he left the body, just before leaving the body: “I’m going to send you a comforter, who will be with you forever”. So who is going to be with you forever, who is with you forever, is “The Holy Spirit”. Who is “The Holy Spirit”? “The Holy Spirit” is “The Holy Breath”. That is the secret. “The Holy Spirit” is you own breath. It is your own breath.

 It’s as if “The Divine” wanted me to do this. Because last night, I’ve been doing research on this for quite a few weeks, and then I landed on “The 700 club’s” very scholarly article on “The Holy Spirit”. I want you to go and look at it. And there Pat Robertson’s son, I think, Gordon Robertson, I forget his name, has written a very beautiful, scholarly article on: “The Holy Spirit” as “The Holy Breath”. And I will give you a presentation on that. Not just for, whatever I do I’m not going to do it just for academic purposes, or scholarly purposes, but the benefit that you will derive from this understanding of “The Holy Spirit”, as “The Holy Breath”, or your own breath when it is transformed, particularly from the perspective of “The Breath” as Life.
So that will be for the next presentation, but in the meantime, I want you to understand that this is the Day of Independence, so we need independence from this body, and that is the only true freedom, and that is the only way to power.

God Bless.

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