Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to Vibrate with Affluence (Practice Shared)

“Poverty won't change until the state of mind changes. You should completely vibrate with an affluent source code. All this can be changed.” - Dr. Pillai


Use the sounds "Shreem Brzee" to vibrate with affluence. Create a cycle of power by chanting them at least 108x in the morning, 108x in the evening, spending a few moments, or as long as you would like, meditating on them non-verbally afterwards. The key is not do the practices robotically, like you are checking something off a list. Dedicate your full concentration and attention on your practice, and forget about "time."

In between the meditations, keep the sounds going in your head all day. Listen to them in the background. Writing them too, will help you vibrate with them.

Always remember your goal - to empower your body, mind and soul to vibrate with affluence. Remember everyday that you are not doing this just for "doing this" sake. You are on a mission, and that mission is to GET RESULTS. Expect them.

How to guarantee them?

Keep the cycle of power going day in and day out. Always remember WHY you are doing it. MAKE THE DECISION that you will not stop, YOU WILL NOT QUIT until you get the results you are looking for. Make this your life's passion.

Results you will receive, guaranteed.

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Everyone Owns a Kingdom...

"The theme for today is to find happiness right now, at this very moment. Own that peace within you. Everyone is owning a kingdom." - Dr. Pillai

Liberate yourself from all concepts, all knowledge, all identity. You are who you are, and that's who you have always been. That.

Realize it. Crave it. Be it. Own it. Share it. You can choose to do that right NOW.

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Monday, March 28, 2016

There is No Reason to Be Depressed at Any Cost...


"When I was told there are some issues [with my Visa], I said: “It’s great news.” Why? Because that’s how I look upon everything. I don’t superficially look at things and then make a judgement on that and become excited or depressed. There is no reason to be depressed at any cost.

I want you to be happy about everything that happens to you. The reason why people are miserable is because they get very disappointed for no reason at all. The reason why I don’t disappoint is I have no point. If you have no point you will never be disappointed. Being within a state without a point, you’ll have a big, unimaginable harvest." - Dr. Pillai


Try sitting with your eyes closed in a state of receptivity. You aren't meditating, you aren't paying attention to your thinking, or your body. It's not light, nor dark, hot, nor cold. Time is not passing. You are just being. This is the state in which you can experience the NOW and be "without a point."

Do this regularly and for extended periods and witness how much easier it is to dive into this state of awareness at will throughout the day.

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Sunday, March 27, 2016

How to Program Your Junk DNA

"Many scientists believe we only use 2% of our DNA. How can we change our "junk DNA"? The junk DNA can be programmed. We can program this junk DNA through certain key sounds: AH and OO. They are the sounds of incredible intelligence and energy. The whole destiny of humanity will change." - Dr. Pillai

Do Dr. Pillai's Extended One-Minute Meditation (see video below). Do it once in the morning, and once in the evening at least (it's not a very long meditation). You may feel called to do it for longer by yourself after some time of practice with Dr. Pillai's audio. If you are doing Dr. Pillai's moola mantra 108x morning and evening already (highly recommended if you aren't), or some other meditation pracitce, this is the perfect practice to do after. Conclude with Avatar Arti and prayers, and then prepare yourself for a big life change. It will be absolutely inevitable if you do this day in and day out with commitment and authenticity. Don't doubt it.
Dr. Pillai discusses Ah Oo and One-Minute Meditation:
Here is the Extended One-Minute Meditation for you to practice:

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How to Practice Conscious Thinking

HOW TO PRACTICE CONSCIOUS THINKING "Before you think a thought you should think if it is worth thinking that thought. This is called conscious thinking. If you practice conscious thinking you will realize that most of the thoughts that come to you are indeed junky thoughts." - Dr. Pillai

Do meditation regularly (ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNING) to help keep the mind under control. You will find when you are able to meditate in the morning, it will have lasting effects that will last throughout the day. It will make it much easier to be aware of how you are thinking. When you meditate at night, just before going to sleep, you will find it much easier to wake up and meditate in the morning. Doing both meditations in morning and evening creates a powerful cycle that will keep the mind at bay, and reshape your entire thought-process from morning till evening like an auto-pilot. Did you find this post valuable? If yes, share it with friends. Leave a comment and share you experiences.

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Get Results with Karuppasamy the Performer God

Karuppasamy is an Archetype of Righteousness, Justice, and Miracles. He is in fact one in the same as Kalki, the 10 incarnation of Vishnu. He is also known by many other names in different cultures around the world. As an Archetype, he is universal in nature and not limited to any one religion.

Dr. Pillai has a particular fondness of this Archetype because he gives quick results. He calls him the "Performer God," for this reason. He doesn't just sit back, he performs. Dr. Pillai says he understands and relates to human problems.

Although he is very fierce, he is equally as compassionate. In the Buddhist tradition he would be considered a "Bodhisattva," or a being who has chosen to delay his full Enlightenment into the higher realms to stay behind to help humanity.

He is one of my personal Guardian Angels whom I connect with daily. I have witnessed him perform miracles through trance channels first-hand in India.

In this video I introduce Karuppasamy, and a simple practice to connect with him to solve problems and manifest material things you need.

If you found this post valuable please share with friends. If you are going to experiment with the practice I share in the video, leave a comment and let me know your results.

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How to do Avatar Arti

Mohini, Master Teacher and longest student of Dr. Pillai's for over 20 years, teaches the full Avatar Arti practice.

What is Avatar Arti?

It's a spiritual technology to access Dr. Pillai's divine power. All you need is a candle and an image of Dr. Pillai.

This practice is highly recommended for anyone involved in Dr. Pillai's teachings, and for anyone who wants to experience miracles in their lives.

Watch the video and leave a comment sharing what you experienced.

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Ask a Question and Receive an Answer...Spiritual Communication with Dr. Pillai

Do you have a burning question for Dr. Pillai? If you could ask him anything, what would you ask him?

Dr. Pillai is an extremely busy man, and to speak with him your only chance is to attend one of his seminars but even then it's not guaranteed. However, that doesn't mean he isn't accessible.

In fact, what you will learn in this video will show you how you can communicate directly with Dr. Pillai at anytime. Its a a practice I was intuitively guided to start doing, and what I share comes from my own personal experiences. Its simple, it works, and I have heard from others that they are getting results.

All you need is a picture of Dr. Pillai, a candle, and a yes or no question.

Please leave a comment and share your experiences, I would love to hear them.

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Where to Start with Dr. Pillai's Teachings...A Revelation and Practice Shared

Are you overwhelmed with all the different mantras and techniques Dr. Pillai has given, and don't know where to start?

I  was inspired to make this video because so many people, including myself, have been or still are confused about where to start with Dr. Pillai's teachings. He has given SO many techniques (I explain why in the video) to the world, it can be easy to get lost.

The problem many people have or are continuing to face is they want to do a million different mantras and end up spreading themselves too thin, falling off the wagon, and ultimately not getting any results.

I give a solution in this video that is based on my own experience, a revelation that was given to one of my friends and 20 + year student of Dr. Pillai's while meditating in the pyramid at Mt. Shasta, as well as the more traditional approach to working with a Master such as Dr. Pillai that has been followed for thousands of years.

Leave a comment and let me know if you are going to give this a try. I would love to also hear your results if you are willing to share them.

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."