Sunday, April 10, 2016

Time = Money...What Does it Really Mean?

Time is money...time is money...time is money.

This is a mantra that has been rolling through my head non-stop. It is in large part due to having lately been intensely working with Ganesha, who Dr. Pillai says is the master of time/space equal to the God of time, Kalabhairava. He has made it so I can't waste even a second. He's put me on a new "auto-pilot." If I begin to unconsciously fall back into an old, time wasting habit, I am immediately triggered to cease. But not like I am being told from the outside to stop, it comes from the inside. I WANT to stop, I don't have to "try."

Time is money...time is money...time is money.

It haunts me...But I am extremely grateful for it!

So, that is the inspiration behind this particular blog post, and where  I am at right now.

The intention is to share some intuitive insights I have been given recently about this whole time = money equation to make it as relatable as possible, as it has been for me.

Especially, last night after meditation and prayers, I received a "download" that I felt compelled to blog about.

Time = Money - What Does It Really Mean?

When most of us hear or read this phrase, we associate it with the concept that time is valuable. Rightfully so, because this is indeed true.


What's not as obvious and most often missed is the actual "literalness" of this statement, which is:


Please read that again and let it sink in:


One more time:


Let me explain:

Time itself, just like money, is a "currency" that holds a value. What determines it's value?


If you spend your time like pennies and nickels, it will manifest as a low in-come.

If you spend your time like gold bullion, on the other hand, you will manifest a high in-come.


If you can honor, respect, live-by, and implement this "idea," you will notice how profoundly your life will change, and in an effortlessly organic way.

The question, though, becomes...


How can I spend it like gold bullion?

The answer is:

Do only things that are fruitful and lead to giving you results that you want...

Things that are inline with your goals, your passions, your excitement, and things that help yourself and others.

If you are doing something that doesn't fall into one of these, or similar categories, you may very well be wasting your time.

As with everything, though, the true "answer" will be different for everyone.

How to get results?

You have to make the change from the inside out.

Wasting time is only a symptom, or reflection of your consciousness. It has nothing to do with your mental capacity, reasoning, logic, or rationality.

It is a reflection of your identity with your limited-human/ego. It is a reflection of the "mundane" programming that absolutely revels in time-wasting activities. It loves them. Not only does it love them, it is unable to recognize that they are in fact a waste of time. For instance on one hand "it" (I call it "it" because it's not "you") wants to drive a Lamborghini, live in a Mansion, and have unlimited shopping money...

But then on the other it wants to binge watch movies and television, sleep for 10 hours at a time, and remain in a lethargic, "I just don't want to do anything" state of being. 

You can see how these two desires might clash.

The Solution

I started out this blog by mentioning the Archetype Ganesha, and how he has transformed the way  I see and use time. He works fast, and the concept of fast, high-value time is exactly what he represents.

Ganesha time = Gold Bullion Time.

What's a "delay?"

"Waiting?" What's that?

No results? How is that possible?

These concepts are foreign to Ganesha.

He can put you on an auto-pilot in which you don't have to try to not waste time, you just won't (period).

This has certainly been true for me.

I mention Ganesha, too, because he is becoming VERY powerful this year, as Dr. Pillai has revealed. It is now easier than ever before to not only experience his consciousness, but live it. That's the most important thing. We have to live it, not just touch it in meditation and then revert back to our old ways. We have to get results!

For high-value, fast and fruitful time, I would without a shadow of a doubt recommend going to Ganesha.

Specifically, in two ways:

1. Give it a go on your own.

Set up a "cycle of power" using this mantra:

Chant it at least 108 times in the morning before your daily activities, 108 times at night before you go to sleep, and listen/chant/think/write it as often as possible throughout the day.

Read and think about Ganesha as often as possible. Talk with him as if he were by your side. Create an altar for him and place a cup of water, a banana (or other fruit), and some bermuda grass in front of him each day. Give him incense and show a candle to him. Then pray to him and ask him to change your consciousness so you can't waste time, not even a second.

2. Join "His" 3-Month Immersion Program

I say "his" because that is literally true. He used Dr. Pillai as a vessel to create and deliver it. It's got a special mantra, meditation, amulet, statue, spiritual technology unique to him, and other things for a super-powerful option to make profound changes.

You can absolutely get results with either provided you do one thing:


That's it. Just follow through, stay open, positive, and persistent, and you will get results, guaranteed.

And don't forget:


Make every effort to incorporate this into your life. Start right now.

In the Name of Ganesha

Ryan Irving (Muruga Agastiya)

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Your Faith Will Be Tested...

When one chooses to embrace a spiritual lifestyle, and begins working with higher-realities, you will undergo many....tests. You may have already experienced them, and not even known it.

What are the tests for?

These tests are to shed light on your doubts, even and especially the ones you don't think you have, and bring them to the surface. The test is:

Can you recognize them for what they are? Or will you choose to embrace them?

Spiritual masters will often test a student in some way or another. They will bring some sort of situation or scenario into their lives that force their doubts to come to the surface. This may happen more than once.

It is important to note that this is for your benefit, not theirs. Your doubts are what keep you stuck and in bondage, and in order for you to grow you have to get rid of them.

It is FAITH, the opposite of doubt, that allows the "miracles" to happen. Faith is in fact the force behind miracles. What is faith? Dr. Pillai defines faith as utter positivity.

In the video below, he shares the very insightful story of how the Siddha Master Bhogar tested the faith of one of his students.

Did you see the cleverness in how Bhogar tested his student? A student who had been following him for probably years, decades, studying, and traveling with doesn't mean faith is a given. Even though the student may have thought they had no doubts, Bhogar's "test" shed light on and revealed them.

How to get results from this?

Always be aware of what is happening in your life, and the reason behind it. Once you can embrace that nothing happens by mistake, you will be much more able to identify what is happening and why.

Always be vigilant in "pointing out" your doubts to yourself. Don't hide or ignore them. Just by bringing your awareness to them you will be able to dissolve them.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, pray for faith every day as one of your number one prayers. Faith is the most important quality we can aspire to have. With faith, you can do anything. That's why Jesus said - With faith even the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.


Faith will help you identify your doubts, and dismiss them. It will help give you clarity. If you have faith, you cannot be deceived by fear and doubt any longer.

Leave a comment and share one of the tests you have faced, or are facing, and what insights you have learned.

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

To Be a Winner you Must Become a WARRIOR....Watch this Video!!!

"Unless you are a warrior, you will not succeed in life." - Dr. Pillai

I invite you to WATCH THE BELOW VIDEO by Dr. Eric Thomas...

You won't regret it.

Its extremely inspiring, highly motivational, and will definitely rock your world. If you have been struggling to get results... in ANY area of your life, take what this gentleman says to heart. Watch this video EVERY DAY to remind yourself.

When I watched this the for my very first time, it knocked me out of my socks! It helped me put my goals and aspirations into greater perspective, and reminded me what is important.

How did it make you feel? Did you have any "Aha" moments? LEAVE A COMMENT and share your initial reactions...I'd LOVE to read them.

As always, if you found this post valuable please do share it with others.

If you'd like posts like this sent to your email, enter your email address at the bottom of this page.

"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to Make Your Prayers, Meditations, and Spiritual Practices POWER-FULL

Have you been praying, meditating, chanting a mantra, or doing some other spiritual practice without getting any results?

In this video I discuss a simple way to make your practice power-full and authentic. Authentic being the key. Many times when we pray, we aren't being authentic. What is an authentic prayer, and how can you use the same concept and apply it to your mantras and meditations?

Watch this video to learn more.

LEAVE A COMMENT and let me know your thoughts, or if you have any questions.

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Personal Blog: Omens, Synchronicities, and Communication with Spirit Part 2

Picking up from where I left off in Part 1...

The next day I was called to the top of "Zen Mountain," a very large "hill" next to where I live. It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies, and the Sun was so intoxicating.

This time I was called to take 2 of my Crystal Skulls, my Crystal Ganesha, silver Guru feet personally blessed by Dr. Pillai, and two of my amulets.

I performed the "ritual" on top of a rather odd rock formation that I came across. It's a bunch of flat rocks naturally stacked on top of each other with a very large over-sized one as the top. It is sort of reminded me of a huge rock altar.

"Rock Alter" on top of Zen Mountain post ritual

Ganesha, Blessed Guru's Feet, Vel, and Copper Amulet post ritual

Ganesha, Melchizedek and Oracle post ritual

During the ritual I invoked my Guru (Dr. Pillai/Agastiya), Ganesha, my spiritual lineage (Tamil Siddhas), and the Holy Spirit for purification, healing, and empowerment for the plants, trees, animals, insects, the humans, and Mother Earth.

At the conclusion, I again asked if it was beneficial and successful as I did last time, and at the very second I completed the thought, someone started hammering something down below at one of the houses in the neighborhood.

Next, 3 large crows (possibly the same ones from earlier) flew up from the trees near me and starting circling over head. I managed to capture them on video here. In the video, you can also see a single ray of light falling across the screen when I look at Mt. Shasta....I'll explain about that in a moment.

First, what do the crows symbolize? Among other things, the "Siddhas." These are perfected beings that have reached the pinnacle of evolution, and have been able to merge with and identify themselves with "God." They are known for taking the form of the crow to interact with people. I immediately knew when I saw the crows it was them, and it was no coincidence as I had invoked them during the ritual.

Next, I took a photo of Mt. Shasta after I shot the video of the crows, and you can see again the lone ray of light that streams across the photo. I had a similar appearance of this single ray of light while having my picture taken at a special temple in India associated with the Siddha Jnanasambandar, a being I share a deep connection with.

Mt. Shasta and a "Jyothi Streak". Image take post ritual.
Jyothi Streak appears at temple in India

What is this? I found out later in a post from a favorite blog of mine:

(Scroll down on the above blog post to see some picture examples of "Jyothi Streaks.")

They refer to them as "Jyothi streaks" which in these cases were emanations of the Siddhas, and particularly the leader of the Siddhas whom I am deeply connected to, Agastiya. I will have to write another post about Agastiya and my connection to him some other time. Jyothi can roughly be translated to as "divine" light.

Then, as I was leaving a "Vel" that I had lost some time ago appeared on the dirt trail as if it were coming out of the ground!

Vel appears directly in my path

Vel coming out of the ground. This is exactly how I found it.

I  have walked this trail before, after I had lost it, and never seen it. Synchronstically I also happen to have found my other Vel that same day before I came out on the walk in the dryer.

Coincidence? I'll let you decide.

In the spirit of sharing miracles, I sincerely hope this inspires YOURS.

There will be a part 3 and probably a part 4 of this ongoing story with more images and miraculous encounters.


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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Friday, April 1, 2016

Personal Blog: Omens, Synchronicities, and Communication with Spirit Part 1

I have been meaning to write this particular blog for a couple days, but just now finding the time.

I wanted to share a few accounts of "Spirit," "God," "Angels," or whatever name you wish to call it, communicating with me via signs, omens, and other synchronicities.

First of all...

Why am I sharing this, you may wonder? In the spirit of this blog, which is about getting "results," I want to share some of my results in the hopes that they may inspire yours.

For years now, (we'll just call it "Spirit") and I have been in communication very tangibly in different ways through animal omens, numbers, noises, and various other means...

  • I'll say a prayer and then the second I finish my phone goes DING! Or a loud noise outside happens at the exact second...or the mail lady knocks on my door (another story)...
  • I ask a question and pause on as soon as the yes or no rolls of my tongue, my house creaks, or a bird flies up to the window, the candle in front of me flickers, my phone goes off, or some other obvious omen occurs at the perfect time...
  • I see the numbers 1111 or 111, or 911, or 444, or some other combination day in and day out. It's like I'm pulled to look at the clock at certain times...
  • And the list goes on.
It started as a once in awhile thing that has progressed to every day happenings, literally. When I started to become aware of and recognize them, and seek their meanings, they increased significantly. It was almost as if once Spirit realized that it could successfully communicate with me in this way, it opened up the flood gates to do it all the time.

Our Angels and Spirit guides/companions are ALWAYS trying to communicate with us. Once you recognize the signs, it's like giving them permission to ramp it up....they love it!

They happen so frequently now that I consider them a natural part of my day. I don't see them as rare occurrences anymore, they are just....normal. This can happen for you too.

There were a few recent accounts that I felt strongly that I should share, and I happened to have my phone to grab some pics and video. So here goes...

Recently, I have been doing small, simple outdoor rituals with some items from my spiritual altar. I take them out into nature, and invoke different Archetypes (Angels, Masters, etc.) that I am connected with, and pray for purification, healing, and empowerment for the environment and all the beings in it.

A glimpse of my main alter

This wasn't something I decided to do rationally, it was something I had a strong "feeling" or intuition to start doing. Its a long story, and I won't get into it in this blog. Maybe another time. I digress...

After I perform the rituals, I always ask for a clear sign if the ritual was beneficial and successful. Lately, the signs I have been getting have been remarkable.

A couple days ago I brought my crystal Ganesha and one of my smaller Crystal Skulls named Melchizedek to a Labyrinth near my house to perform the "ritual." I have been visiting this Labyrinth for some time prior to this with the intention of activating it. After performing this particular ritual, I asked for a sign and out of nowhere a bald eagle appeared above me and starting circling. I immediately pulled out my phone and managed to capture the tail end of it in this video.

Top View of Melchizedek and Ganesha Post Ritual

Front View of Melchizedek and Ganesha Post Ritual


The Bald eagle is a tremendous animal sign associated with, among other things, the "Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit just so happened to be one of the "beings" I had invoked during the ritual.

This isn't the first time the bald eagle has appeared as one of my omens. Just the day prior to this while out on a walk, I was pondering a major life decision, one that would create a dramatic shift in my life, and as I was thinking about it I started to hear some very strange bird calls near some trees off to my right. Calls I have never heard before.

It sounded like a cross between a crow and a goose, is the best way I could describe it.

I decided to change course and check it out. Once I reached the trees where the sounds were coming from, to my astonishment there was a huge bald eagle sitting on a branch, surrounded on the left, right, and above within a foot or so of each other, by 3 big crows. It was something I have never seen before, and definitely got my attention.

I took it as a very positive omen that what I was pondering was right for me. I will explain more about the crows in the next encounter.

Also, during one of the previous Labyrinth "activations" I had done at this same spot, a huge bald eagle, possibly the same one, flew into a tree next to me at the conclusion of the ritual and stayed there until I left. I didn’t capture either of the above two on camera, but have since learned to carry my phone with me on my little excursions.

I will share about what happened the next day after the Labyrinth ritual, including more pictures and another video that I managed to capture in the next post in which the 3 crows make another appearance.

In the meantime, I'd love to hear about your experiences. LEAVE A COMMENT and share some of your "omens" or ways in which "Spirit" communicates with you.


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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."