Saturday, April 2, 2016

Personal Blog: Omens, Synchronicities, and Communication with Spirit Part 2

Picking up from where I left off in Part 1...

The next day I was called to the top of "Zen Mountain," a very large "hill" next to where I live. It was a beautiful day with clear blue skies, and the Sun was so intoxicating.

This time I was called to take 2 of my Crystal Skulls, my Crystal Ganesha, silver Guru feet personally blessed by Dr. Pillai, and two of my amulets.

I performed the "ritual" on top of a rather odd rock formation that I came across. It's a bunch of flat rocks naturally stacked on top of each other with a very large over-sized one as the top. It is sort of reminded me of a huge rock altar.

"Rock Alter" on top of Zen Mountain post ritual

Ganesha, Blessed Guru's Feet, Vel, and Copper Amulet post ritual

Ganesha, Melchizedek and Oracle post ritual

During the ritual I invoked my Guru (Dr. Pillai/Agastiya), Ganesha, my spiritual lineage (Tamil Siddhas), and the Holy Spirit for purification, healing, and empowerment for the plants, trees, animals, insects, the humans, and Mother Earth.

At the conclusion, I again asked if it was beneficial and successful as I did last time, and at the very second I completed the thought, someone started hammering something down below at one of the houses in the neighborhood.

Next, 3 large crows (possibly the same ones from earlier) flew up from the trees near me and starting circling over head. I managed to capture them on video here. In the video, you can also see a single ray of light falling across the screen when I look at Mt. Shasta....I'll explain about that in a moment.

First, what do the crows symbolize? Among other things, the "Siddhas." These are perfected beings that have reached the pinnacle of evolution, and have been able to merge with and identify themselves with "God." They are known for taking the form of the crow to interact with people. I immediately knew when I saw the crows it was them, and it was no coincidence as I had invoked them during the ritual.

Next, I took a photo of Mt. Shasta after I shot the video of the crows, and you can see again the lone ray of light that streams across the photo. I had a similar appearance of this single ray of light while having my picture taken at a special temple in India associated with the Siddha Jnanasambandar, a being I share a deep connection with.

Mt. Shasta and a "Jyothi Streak". Image take post ritual.
Jyothi Streak appears at temple in India

What is this? I found out later in a post from a favorite blog of mine:

(Scroll down on the above blog post to see some picture examples of "Jyothi Streaks.")

They refer to them as "Jyothi streaks" which in these cases were emanations of the Siddhas, and particularly the leader of the Siddhas whom I am deeply connected to, Agastiya. I will have to write another post about Agastiya and my connection to him some other time. Jyothi can roughly be translated to as "divine" light.

Then, as I was leaving a "Vel" that I had lost some time ago appeared on the dirt trail as if it were coming out of the ground!

Vel appears directly in my path

Vel coming out of the ground. This is exactly how I found it.

I  have walked this trail before, after I had lost it, and never seen it. Synchronstically I also happen to have found my other Vel that same day before I came out on the walk in the dryer.

Coincidence? I'll let you decide.

In the spirit of sharing miracles, I sincerely hope this inspires YOURS.

There will be a part 3 and probably a part 4 of this ongoing story with more images and miraculous encounters.


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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

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