Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why blowing stuff up can be good

A great lesson I have learned is the importance of building a foundation from which you can thrive in the long term.

Sometimes that means blowing everything up and starting from scratch. I am currently in the midst of experiencing this, and so far, it has been a lot of fun.

I have realized that many things that I was doing, although one could say they are important, were not getting me to where I wanted to be. The result of this was a large period of time in which I worked very, very hard, but was not able to produce much of anything. I ended up spending most of my energy simply maintaining a reality that I did not want to live in.

In hindsight, I understand this was a very valuable lesson in energy management and having laser-like focus. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, the need for evaluating your circumstances objectively, and regularly.

Be careful about who and what you choose to incorporate into your life. Assess everything and make sure it is something you want.

I hope this inspires you to take a step back and review your current circumstances and see how you are spending your energy. Has it been productive? Is it going to help you get where you want to be? If not, what small shifts can you make to create the biggest impact?

One thing is for sure. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

What do you want?

To results,

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Friday, January 4, 2019

🔎 Do you want to know?

It is amazing what you can learn about yourself if you pay attention. 

Why you are facing the problems you are...

Most of the time the reason(s) are obvious if you observe.

Sometimes we know but fantasize our reality to meet what we want.

Sometimes we just are not consciously aware. But we can be.

Why is it so important to be aware?

You want solutions right?

You would be surprised to know that most solutions to life's problems are tiny little tweaks, not massive changes, although the former often leads to the latter.

The first step is - you have to WANT to know. If you do not want to know you simply won't.

Decide you want to know, pay attention, and see what you discover.

Look for little shifts that can lead to big ones.

The answers are there if you want to see them.

To results,

PS: Did you read this entire post? If yes, leave a comment and let me know which part you needed to hear the most.



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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Why You Should Stop Trying to Fix Your Life

It's like this...

Relieving something is one thing, curing it is another.

For example:

If you are constantly feeling tired, you can get relief by taking caffeine, but you can cure it by sleeping more.  

If you are constantly late for work, you can get relief by driving faster, but you can cure it by leaving earlier.

When it comes to your life as a whole, you can apply the same logic.

If you struggle with life, you can get relief by escaping it, but you can cure it by changing your identity.


Your identity is the cause, your problems are the effects. 

Instead of trying to fix all the individual problems in your life, you can fix them all at once by fixing your identity. 

It is how you:
  • think and perceive
  • act and react
  • dress and speak
  • feel and express
Basically, it is your mindset.

It is everything that makes you who you are, and the source of what and how you experience.

How to change it?

While there is no one way, here are 4 to get you started.

1. Decide. Step number 1 is to make the decision that you are going to change. If you make the decision and commit to it, you are sure to succeed. On the other hand, if you don't there is a high probability you will default to what you are most comfortable with.

2. Make it easy. Making changes can be scary. The unknown is, well, unknown. When we are not familiar with something, it appears to be hard. My advice to you is to refuse to think that way. Hard and easy are both subjective. Tell yourself it is easy, and it will be. When you have a thought that something is going to be hard, reverse it right away. It is easy, everything is easy. There is no such thing as hard.

3. Identify. You probably hear this a lot. But, in order to achieve something you have to know what it is first. Makes sense right? Before you can become the person you want to be, you have to have an idea of who that is. Reflect on who you want to be, dream scenario. It is ok to dream big, but be authentic in your desires, and be specific. It may take time, but the more you put your attention on it, the more you will learn about yourself. Where do you want to live? What kind of place do you want to live in? What kind of people do you want around you? What kind of lifestyle do you want to lead? How do you want to think, act and speak?

4. Focus. Once you generate your goal(s), the next step is to apply focus, lots of it. Whatever you focus on, you become. That is the power of the mind. Focus on having achieved your goals. Identify with that version of yourself. Act like them, think like them, speak like them. Have fun with this. Go online and build the house and car you want, look at pictures of where you want to live and clothes you want to wear, allow yourself to day dream driving the car, living in the house, wearing the clothes, meditating in nature, whatever you want. Keep doing that over and over again. Make it part of your daily life. Make it part of your dreams at night. 

Take what you need from this, and make it happen! You deserve the best, but more importantly, you can actually experience it. Decide, make it easy, identify what you want, and focus on it...all the time.

Have fun and let me know what happens. If you take the time to read this from start to finish, leave a comment and share what part you needed to hear most.

To Results,


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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."