Thursday, January 10, 2019

Why blowing stuff up can be good

A great lesson I have learned is the importance of building a foundation from which you can thrive in the long term.

Sometimes that means blowing everything up and starting from scratch. I am currently in the midst of experiencing this, and so far, it has been a lot of fun.

I have realized that many things that I was doing, although one could say they are important, were not getting me to where I wanted to be. The result of this was a large period of time in which I worked very, very hard, but was not able to produce much of anything. I ended up spending most of my energy simply maintaining a reality that I did not want to live in.

In hindsight, I understand this was a very valuable lesson in energy management and having laser-like focus. In addition, and perhaps most importantly, the need for evaluating your circumstances objectively, and regularly.

Be careful about who and what you choose to incorporate into your life. Assess everything and make sure it is something you want.

I hope this inspires you to take a step back and review your current circumstances and see how you are spending your energy. Has it been productive? Is it going to help you get where you want to be? If not, what small shifts can you make to create the biggest impact?

One thing is for sure. If you want something bad enough, you will find a way to get it.

What do you want?

To results,

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"All you have to do is follow through. Your results are waiting for you."

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